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Dave's Bus ConversionVegetable Oil Fuel Parts List |
Some parts suppliers -------------------- jcwhitney.com marinefilters.com mcmaster.com usdieselparts.com SVO KITS/RESOURCES ------------------ enviofuel.com Big rig kit $2700? (except tank) realenergy.net Ryan: $6000 for install, $4000? no install, $2600 kit w/o tank fattywagons.com (not currently open? lots of electrical heat options) greasecar.com frybrid.com veggiefuelsystems.com greasel.com elsbett.com New --- (stuff that didn't exist when I converted that I might have used) http://www.greasekings.com/ ################################################## PURCHASE (2005/10/27) ################################################## Parts in order of fuel usage: Collection pump - Need to do research... Collection Hose 50' $ 120 (also at usplastic.com - Tubing->PVC Tubing) Tank Heater $ 120 Dirty Pump $ 275 Racor 1000FH $ 200 (found for $191 on se-power.com) 50G Tank $ 100 Tank Heater #2 $ 120 Heat Exchanger $ 200 (greaseworks $170, frybrid $200, enviofuel $225) Racor 1000FH $ 200 Pressure Gauge $ 60 Heat Exchanger #2 $ 200 Valves - I will decide on these later. DPDT switches - I will get these myself Coolant/fuel Hoses $ 280 Temp Gauge $ 60 Brass Fittings $ 500 ----------------------------- TOTAL $2435 ################################################## Suppliers ################################################## Polyethylene 3/8" Tanks (cross-linked) http://usplastic.com/ http://Enviofuel.com/ $1000++ (200 gallon aluminum?) http://plastic-mart.com/ 866-310-2556 (Dave) 210G: $459 + 150 ship, 60x36x24 3/8" thick (forgot deck plate!) linear poly closed tank with one 1/2" fitting short side NEEDS VENT ON TOP! I have 84+ - I would prefer to only use about 76+ 36+ x 30- x 16/24" PURCHASED: $213 60 gallons 36 1/4"L x 30 1/4"W x 14 1/2"H 54W $213 + $30 ship + $10 fit + $17.28 tax $278.28 http://www.tank-depot.com/ Needs fittings added manually, not a great deal. http://etanks.com/ <- comes with deck plate? 210G: $648 60x36x24 50G: $200 26x41x16" Racor 1000FH (1-2 needed?) (with heater??) Ryan: $350 (300 on website??) Enviofuel: $300 (Racor 900??) gopower.com: $300 (no heater) marinefilters: $233 (racor 1000MA - also works) se-power.com: $191!! starmarinedepot.com: $225 (FH - also has filters for ~$10) Other filter/dewater options: http://www.luberfiner.com/products/fuelfilters.html Fleetguard FH23000 "Fuel Filter and Fuel-Water Separator" discontinued, but if you can still find one: 90gph, and has built-in coolant heat exchange! ebay had them for a while for $175 buy it now Oil Centrifuge Filters: 6000 rpms? http://www.dieselcraft.com/productinfo_OC_1.html http://www.dieselproducts.com/spinner/sp_works.html Dieselcraft Cyclone: Model->gph: OC20->50 $200, OC50->108gph $343, OC200->300 $1560 http://www.spinnerii.com/index.cfm Spinner II: Model->gph: 25->60, 60->120, 96->120, 200->240 (60 is now 960, 96 is now 996, 996 has auto adjust screw for cutoff) Consider pressure relief valve to send back extra: http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/wwg/itemDetailsRender.shtml?ItemId=1611785282 HOSES 3/4" Coolant Ryan: $ 75 (50') 1/2" Coolant Ryan: $ 75 (50') 1/2" Fuel Hose Ryan: $130 (50' - pushlock & biodiesel safe) 8" screw Deck Plates (for tank) westmarine.com go2marine.com Small Pump (dirty->clean) PUMP: Reverso GP-301 $230 San Diego Marine Exchange 800-336-7369 $275+ Ryan, RealEnergy NorthernTool has 5gpm for $99 - reversible, don't know if it can handle oil. Tuthill Corp phone? 260.747.3159 http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=6970&productId=47671&R=47671&langId=-1 http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=6970&productId=200129174&R=200129174&langId=-1 Brass Fittings Home Depot has some of the smaller ones. About $2 each. (vegpower has some brass fittings) (also: mcmaster.com: "push-on hose & fittings" - NOT "barbed hose fittings") Note that pipe thread size is 1/4" smaller than measured I.D./O.D. Also note that one-piece barbed tees exist 8" deck plate found some that are ABS and some polycarbonate (lexan) Don't know if either can handle oil/diesel Biodiesel tubing <- doesn't have in stock Todd - biodiesel solutions 714.240.1141 Many, many pumps at: pumpbiz.com GPI M180S-ML Pump GPI: 800.835.0113 phoenixpump.net $255 (free shipping!) AR: 800.952.7339 NC: 800.741.4019 After-hours: 800.952.7339 http://phoenixpump.net/gpi.htm <- not linked? $269 -> What about their "Gasboy Model 620" up to 20GPM at 26A? Gasboy Model 73, 18GPM (petro claims 14-15gpm), 1/3HP, 115V! $333 benfordfueling.com 251.986.8265 http://www.benfordfueling.com/shop/gpidcpumps.html oilequipment.com Gasboy Model 73 $363 Air pumps: Allflo 1" aluminum pump 40GPM, 1/8" solids, $458?? Pushlock: Sebastopol Bearing & Hydraulic Fuel Gauges and senders: JC Whitney Autometer Teleflex Copper Tubing NOTE: Don't use copper tubing! It reacts with the WVO, use aluminum instead! (even the tubing wrapped around the filter gets WVO on it and starts to react) Most hardware stores - $33/50ft? Aluminum Tubing Mfgr: WOLVERINE TUBE, INC. wlv.com 256.890.0460 Ebay - for fuel racing lines? Also look for aircraft aluminum fuel lines?? check with frybrid? 30' sections of 3/8" tubing: http://www.tunerschoice.com/xq/aspx/paging.yes/dept_id.315/display_id.142/qx/Product.htm http://www.speedwaymotors.com/ Connect with JIC or AN Fittings Solenoid Valves omega.com (has tech reference PDF) enviofuel: $80+ each? Three-way, According to 6V-92 manual, sect 2, Fuel Pump, the fuel pump has a max relief valve to ensure that pressure never goes *above* ~65psi. Presumably the pump runs somewhere slightly below that? The enviofuel at just 10 psi can flow ~1 gpm, which should be enough, yes? greasecar now has them for $55 - "SV100 or SVO-3" Racor Filter Elements (for 1000MA/FH/FG/MAM): Expected use: replace 30u every 1000 miles, 10u every 4000 miles 2020PM-OR red 30u (micron) dirty filter 2020TM-OR blue 10u (micron) 2020SM-OR brown 2u (micron) probably too small, diesel is down to 20u marinefilters.com $8.22 (unknown shipping costs??) southeastpowersystems.com $8.54 or $7.87 for 12 pyacht.net $10-11 starmarinedepot.com $10 Pressure Gauge Ryan: $60 Consider non-electric vacuum gauges, can check occasionally when stopped. VeggieFuelSystems: $9 Heat Exchange (2 needed) Ryan: $250 Enviofuel: $225 Frybrid: $200 greaseworks: $170 (1/2" NPTF ports) Also consider brazed plate heat exchangers? http://www.brazedplate.com/ http://www.plantdrive.com/page0/page45/page45.html VeggieFuelSystems: $165 (might be smaller?) Valves (Either 2 or 4 needed, total cost here) Ryan: $400 (4 total) Enviofuel: $186 (high flow - how big???) Ryan option #2: $ 70 (2 3-port manual switches) vegpower: $ 40 (manual 1/4" switches - big enough??) Switches (2 needed) Ryan: $50? Radio Shack! .. Temp Gauge Ryan: $60 Electric Heat ?? Plantdrive: $220 Vegtherm Mega (32A) Enviofuel: $215 Vegtherm Mega (32A - with wire/switches) Enviofuel: $180 Vegtherm Mega (32A - no wirekit) COLLECTION ---------- Pump Ryan: $350 (18gpm? reversible!) Ryan uses GPI pump, says Tuthill pumps burn out. (M-180S??) GPI has a 115V pump that does 30GPM! <- but it's a vane pump NorthernTool: $255 (15gpm Tuthill Fill-Rite) NorthernTool: $309 (20gpm Tuthill Fill-Rite - not for oil??) NorthernTool: $240 (18gpm Northern Tools brand) Greasel: $245+23 (13gpm) Enviofuel: $395 (12gpm reversible) Enviofuel: $660 (FULL refuel kit) WHAT ABOUT AN AIR-OPERATED DIAPHRAGM OIL PUMP? (northerntool has them) Strainer: Enviofuel: $44 (250micron, 1.25") Enviofuel: $35? (600micron, 1.25"??, 25-30gpm?) VeggieFuelSystems: $20! also: filter screens for suction pipes up to 1"NPT, $8 I'm not a fan of the big strainers, they're useless unless you can hold them sideways and are dropping into a large vat of oil. You could put them in a pipe, but then your pickup is even longer and it's hard to clean unless your pump is reversible. Manufacturer seems to be: http://www.zinga.com/index.aspx?page=series&categoryid=1 Hose? Sight Glass? (does this matter if I have the Racor 1000?) Enviofuel: $17 biobusgroup.com suggests: $35 used pool pump 1.5hp?? for collecting oil -> plant ph tester, mix 50/50 oil + water & check ph (look for neutral) -> use jar pushed into oil to look at oil -> webasto pump as aux pump for coolant -> or 24V coolant circulator pump from RTS, or grundfos 110V pump (HVAC/hydronic) DIDN'T USE ---------- Heated Fuel Pickup Enviofuel: $275 (handle high-flow?) Plantdrive: $220&up (hotstk) (could use shorter and mount from side?) vegpower: $200 (hotstk) greaseworks: $250 (hotstk??) fossilfreefuel: $220 (hotstk aluminum - cheaper than stainless) Filter H2O Probe (optional) gopower.com: $120